Post 5- My future job

My dream is

I would like to work in a laboratory, in which I do not have contact with the public, generating molecules that perhaps can become medicines for people who need health. All this obviously could not be outside, it would have to be in a laboratory under the right conditions, where everything is sterilized and ordered, since that is how science works.

The truth is, if I would like to travel a lot while I work, to visit other laboratories in different parts of the world and see how their establishment protocols are, what kind of people they have and how they work with such a molecule ... also to know the country haha, but that it's fun too.

I have not started studying the specialty yet, because finally that is studied at the end of the degree, I am studying the degree itself, which will give me the title of "Expert in medicines", to be able to know how each medicine works in the body, as well as contraindications or adverse effects.

Nowadays I work as an axuliar in a neighborhood pharmacy ... and I honestly hate it, I hate the attention to the public, it's disgusting and people are not educated, you try to explain everything in a good way to people and they are rude ...

Please do not work in the pharmacy unless you have a lot of patience


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